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[业界] 泥轰国本周销量

发表于 2010-2-23 03:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Resident Evil 5: AlternateEdition was the biggest release of the week topping 150,000 on PS3. Allother games came in below 70,000 units though. Wii, PSP and PS3 shouldbe bunched close this week.                    Summary & A Look Ahead:
Software sales have just about dropped to normal levels in Japannow. Only one game, Resident Evil 5: Alternative Edition topped 100,000units for the week. God Eater, New Super Mario Bros. Wii, and DragonQuest VI each remained over 50,000 units for the week. Sony’s 250 GBPS3 sku did not lift any older PS3 software this week. Next week, itshould be interesting to see how the “Minna no Susume Selection” gamesperform as they are being re-launched based on how much NintendoChannel voters liked them.
New Super Mario Bros. Wii looks like it will become the top sellingWii game in Japan, ahead of Wii Sports and Wii Fit, by the end of June2010.
The next bunch of major releases will begin arriving in March. RyuGa Gotaku 4 should be the biggest, as preorders are over 105,000 units.A week one of at least 220,000 looks likely and that baseline figureshould continue rising.
In the coming weeks, we should get some more release dates for Japanas GDC is coming in March, and there are a couple Nintendo events nextweek.
Understanding the Japanese Preview:
Rather than saying x game for y platform sold between 20,000 and28,000 units as in the past, the preliminary data will be broken downinto charts by platform. Within these charts, there will two additionalcategories besides the rounded sales figure under ‘sales’. On the leftwill be ‘low end’ depicting the lowest amount the title likely sold forthe week, while to the right will be ‘high end’ depicting the highestamount the title likely sold for the week. As always, this data ispreliminary, and therefore, not final, but it is based on a sample. Thevarying platform market share the sample represents is why consistentsellers like Wii Fit do not always appear in the preliminary data. Sales for this report are for the week ending February 21, 2010.
Software by Platform:
Wii Software – Two Wii games charted this week. New Super MarioBros. Wii sold another 55,000 units. The package of Wii Fit Plus thatincludes the Wii balance board came in second at 10,000 units, meaningthat overall Wii Fit Plus should be at about 25,000 units for the week.Wii Sports Resort, Zangeki, and Mario Kart Wii should also be above5,000 units for the week. Expect Wii hardware sales to fall into the30,000 to 35,000 unit range for the week.
Preliminary Top Twenty Wii SoftwareSalesLow EndHigh End
New Super Mario Bros. Wii55,00049,00061,000
Wii Fit Plus (w/ balance board)10,0008,00012,000
PS3 Software – Six PS3 games charted this week. Resident Evil 5:Alternative Edition sold 153,000 units in its debut as the top PS3 gameand top game overall. Resident Evil 5 had a 300,000+ debut on PS3 in2009, so the figures for ‘Alternative Edition’ are respectable eventhough the title doesn’t look like it brought any new RE fans to PS3.It is likely a ‘God Eater’ situation, a big hit appealing to theexisting fan base without really expanding it as during God Eater week,PSP sales continued to slowly drop off from their Kingdom Heartsinduced high. Following Resident Evil 5: Alternate Edition was StarOcean 4: International Edition at 20,000 units. Heavy Rain closelyfollowed with a 17,000 debut. Sacred 2 and End of Eternity fell to9,000 units each. Dante’s Inferno debuted to 7,000 units for the week.Sony’s 250 GB PS3 model launched this week in Japan, but it doesn’tappear to have had much of an impact on older software, as no oldergames jumped up and the falls on the recent games were pretty ‘normal’.Expect PS3 hardware sales to rise into the 26,000 to 36,000 unit rangefor the week on the 250 GB PS3 model release.
Preliminary Top Twenty PS3 SoftwareSalesLow EndHigh End
Resident Evil 5: Alternative Edition153,000138,000168,000
Star Ocean 4: The Last Hope   International Edition20,00018,00022,000
Heavy Rain17,00015,00019,000
Sacred 29,0007,00011,000
End of Eternity9,0007,00011,000
Dante's Inferno7,0005,0009,000
X360 & PS2 Software – No software charted for either platform.Expect X360 hardware sales to fall into 2,500 to 3,500 range while PS2hardware sales fall into the 1,000 to 2,000 unit range for the week.
PSP Software – Six PSP games charted in the preliminary data. GodEater fell to 69,000 units but easily remained the top selling PSP ofthe week. Monster Hunter Portable 2G continues to sell well thanks toits second re-release, coming in at 13,000 for the week. ClassicDungeon, Hyakumanton, Pop N’Music and Socom PSP came in at 8,000,7,000, 5,000 and 3,000 units respectively. Kingdom Hearts: Birth BySleep will probably be over 5,000 units in the final data as well.Expect PSP hardware sales to fall into the 33,000 to 38,000 unit rangefor the week.
Preliminary Top Twenty PSP SoftwareSalesLow EndHigh End
God Eater69,00062,00076,000
Monster Hunter Portable 2G (New Best Edition)13,00011,00015,000
Classic Dungeon: Fuyoku no Masoujin8,0006,00010,000
Hyakumanton no Bara Bara7,0005,0009,000
Pop'n Music Portable5,0003,0007,000
Socom US Navy Seals Portable3,0001,0005,000
DS Software – Six DS games charted in the preliminary data. DragonQuest VI remained the top selling DS this week. Sqaure-Enix soldanother 50,000 units of the game. Tamodachi Collection fell to 32,000units for the week, but remained in second place on DS. A new Yu-Gi-Ohgame debuted in third place on DS, at 26,000 units. Konami’s Tennisgame fell to 9,000 units in its second week, remaining just ahead ofNew Super Mario Bros. DS which sold 7,000 units for the week. Mario& Sonic at the Winter Olympic Games saw a bump in sales this week,to 5,000 units as Olympic hype grows. Quiz Magic, Dragon Ball DS 2,Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver, Inazuma Eleven 2, and The Legend ofZelda: Spirit Tracks should all be above 5,000 units in the final datatoo. Expect DS hardware sales to fall into the 48,000 to 53,000 unitrange for the week.
Preliminary Top Twenty DS SoftwareSalesLow EndHigh End
Dragon Quest VI50,00045,00055,000
Tamodachi Collection32,00029,00035,000
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2010: Reverse of Arcadia26,00023,00029,000
Tennis no Ouji-Sama - More Sweet Edition9,0007,00011,000
New Super Mario Bros. DS7,0005,0009,000
Mario & Sonic at the Winter Olympic Games5,0003,0007,000
Contact Vgchartz at jmazel@vgchartz.com
 楼主| 发表于 2010-2-23 03:42 | 显示全部楼层
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