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[业界] 早矢仕洋介:《忍者龙剑传3》将会是系列的重生/正式发表尚待时日

发表于 2010-11-7 17:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



本作的标题中可能会含有“3”这个代表续作的数字,不过别被这一个数字所蒙骗-根据TEAM NINJA领队:早矢仕洋介所说,《忍者龙剑传3》与其说是续作不如说是系列的重生。




从目前来看《忍者龙剑传3》的开发还处在早期阶段,不过游戏的基本原型TEAM NINJA已经定义完毕。不过想了解《忍龙3》的详细信息,看来广大粉丝要再等一阵子了。
 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-7 17:38 | 显示全部楼层
It may have the number 3 in the title, but apparently you shouldn't let that fool you -- according to Team Ninja head Yosuke Hayashi, Ninja Gaiden 3 will be less a sequel and more a reboot to the whole series.
"We're developing it with the idea of restarting at the beginning, saying 'We'd like to make the action game that's most interesting for the current era,'" Hayashi said in an interview with Famitsu.com (via Andriasang). "With this meaning, it's going to be a game that's not bound by the past more than necessary. Of course, we will be valuing the past, but in a good meaning we'd like to make it into a game that's not tied down by the past."

There's almost something cosmically fitting about that fact that both the next Ninja Gaiden and the next Devil May Cry games will act as reboots for their respective franchises, considering they've often been cast as rivals in the past. As for what Ninja Gaiden 3 will actually be about, though, Hayashi would only offer vague hints regarding the promotional image (shown here) released at the Tokyo Game Show back in September.

"He seems to be doing something with his right hand," Hayashi teased. "Also, there's something not normal about this hand. It's covered in blood, but there's something unnatural regarding the blood."

And it looks like it'll still be a while before these riddles are answered. Hayashi said they've reached the point of completing an internal prototype of the game, but it "will be a bit longer before we share info with everyone."
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