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[X360] 使命召唤4成就一览表

发表于 2011-10-6 16:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

The First Horseman在老兵难度完成'Shock and Awe' 关卡40G
The Bog在老兵难度完成 'The Bog' 和'War Pig'关卡40g
The Escape在老兵难度完成'Hunted' and 'Death From Above'关卡40G
Death From Above完成AC-130空中支援任务20G
Down Boy Down被狗扑倒后,扭断狗的脖子20G
Man of the People拯救农场的农夫10G
Save the Bacon成功保护'War Pig'TANK20G
No Rest for the Weary用匕首捅死一名垂死挣扎的敌人10G
Rescue Roycewicz拯救楼梯上的战友Roycewicz20G
The Search在老兵难度完成 'Charlie Don't Surf'关卡40G
Four of a Kind战役模式中,连续暴4个头10G
The Rescue在老兵难度完成'Blackout'关卡40G
Dancing in the Dark完成戴夜视镜杀敌的任务20G
The Package在老兵难度完成'Crew Expendable'关卡40G
Make the Jump强袭货船逃跑时,跳向直升机20G
New Squadron Record在20秒内完成训练20G
Earn a Winged Dagger完成'F.N.G.'任务20G
Win the War任意难度完成游戏40G
Wrong Number找到Al-Asad's 的安全房20G
Piggyback Ride背着上校MacMillian成功逃走20G
Desperate Measures把Zakhaev的儿子逼入绝境20G
Look Sharp找到15个笔记本20G
Eyes and Ears找到30个笔记本20G
Your Show Sucks毁掉所有播放Al-Asad讲演的电视20G
Straight Flush在AC-130空中支援关卡,1枪同时杀死5个敌人20G
Ghillies In The Mist完成'All Ghillied Up' 任务时候没有触发警报20G
Mile High Club在老兵难度完成'Sky dive to safety'关卡20G
Deep and Hard困难或者老兵难度完成游戏90G
The Second Horseman在老兵难度完成'Safehouse' 关卡40G
The Shot在老兵难度完成'All Ghillied Up' 和 'One Shot, One Kill'关卡40G
The Third Horseman在老兵难度完成 'Heat' and 'The Sins of the Father'关卡40G
The Ultimatum在老兵难度完成'Ultimatum'、 'All In'、 和 'No Fighting in the War Room' 关卡40G
The Fourth Horseman在老兵难度完成'Game Over' 关卡40G
Bird on the Ground战役模式中,用RPG击落一架直生机10G
Three of a Kind战役模式中,用匕首连杀3人10G
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