Defence 防守(50项) |
网战TD限定 | 初级难度中场和后卫限定 | 中级和高级难度后卫限定 | 因为本作防守的巨大改动 | 防守解锁更多需要经验. |
初级 |
1. Win a standing tackle - win the ball with a standing tackle in any match 抢断+1 |
完成一次抢断。单场比赛基本可以完成1、4、10、20、23,48项成就 |
2. Complete a sliding tackle - win the ball with a sliding tackle in any match 铲球+1 |
完成一次铲球。没什么好说的 | 这作铲球很准. |
3. Block a shot on goal - Block an opposition’s attempted shot on goal 盯人+1 |
封堵一次射门 | 跟紧进攻球员就好. |
4. 4 standing tackles - win the ball with 4 standing tackles in a match 抢断+1 |
单场比赛完成4次抢断 |
5. 2 sliding tackles - win the ball with 2 sliding tackles in a match 铲球+1 |
单场比赛完成2次铲球 |
6. Keep a clean sheet - finish a match without letting the opposition get on the score sheet 盯人+1 |
不失球完成一场比赛 |
7. 60% standing tackles - complete 60% of your standing tackles in a match (min. 3 tackles) 抢断+1 |
一场比赛60%抢断成功率,至少抢断3次 |
8. 50% sliding tackles - complete 50% of your sliding tackles in a match (min. 2 tackles) 铲球+1 |
一场比赛50%铲球成功率。至少铲球2次 |
9. Catch them offside 3 times - catch the opposition’s players offside 3 times in a match 盯人+1 |
单场比赛造3次越位 战术用offside trap,跑好位置即可 |
10. 8 tackles won - win a total of 8 tackles of any type in a single match 抢断+1 |
单场比赛抢断或铲球总计完成8次以上 |
11. 4 standing tackles back to back - complete 4 standing tackles in 2 consecutive matches 抢断+1 |
连续2场比赛完成4次抢断 |
12. 2 slide tackles 2 games in a row - complete 2 sliding tackles in 2 consecutive matches 铲球+1 |
连续2场比赛完成2次铲球 |
13. 4 headers won - win 4 headers when challenging for the ball in the air 盯人+1 |
赢得4次争顶。己方进攻直接踢出对方底线,让对方门将开球争顶。 |
14. Consecutive 60% standing tackle - complete 60% standing tackles in consecutive matches (min 3) 抢断+1 |
连续2场比赛60%抢断成功率,每场至少抢断3次 |
15. 50% slide tackle 2 games in a row - complete 50% sliding tackles in consecutive matches (min 2) 铲球+1 |
连续2场比赛50%铲球成功率。每场至少铲球2次 |
16. 3 revenge tackles - tackle an opponent that has previously fouled you on 3 occasions in your career 盯人+2 |
完成3次报复性抢断。在3场比赛中抢断对你犯规的人。本作防守犯规少。球员编辑模式里把球员的侵略性改高点。他们就会主动犯规几率大一些。这个互刷较好 |
17. Man of the match - be the best player on the pitch & win man of the match award 抢断+2 |
获得一场比赛的全场最佳 |
18. 9 out of 10 - finish a match with a final rating of 9 out of 10 or higher 铲球+2 |
完成一场比赛评分9分以上 |
19. Block 2 shots on goal - block 2 of the opposition’s shots on goal in a match 盯人+2 |
单场比赛封堵射门2次 |
20. Win 12 tackles - win a minimum of 12 tackles in a single match 抢断+2 |
单场比赛完成12次抢断 |
中级 |
21. 10 sliding tackles won - win a total of 10 sliding tackles in your career 铲球+1 |
生涯总计完成10次铲球 |
22. 5 shots blocked - block 5 attempted shots on goal throughout your career 盯人+1 |
总计封堵射门5次 |
23. 25 standing tackles - win a total of 25 standing tackles in your career 抢断+1 |
总计完成25次抢断 |
24. 50 total tackles - win a total of 50 tackles of any type in your career 铲球+1 |
铲球+抢断总计完成50次 |
25. 5 clean sheets - keep the opposition team from scoring in 5 matches 盯人+1 |
5场比赛不失球 |
26. 60% standing tackles in 5 games - complete 5 matches with 60% standing tackles (min 3) 抢断+1 |
5场比赛60%抢断成功率,每场至少抢断3次 |
27. 50% slide tackles in 5 games - complete 5 matches with 50% sliding tackles (min. 3) 铲球+1 |
5场比赛50%铲球成功率,每场至少铲球2次 |
28. 5 man of the match awards - win the man of the match award 5 times in your career 盯人+1 |
获得5场比赛的全场最佳 |
29. 9 out of 10 in 5 matches - get a match rating of at least 9/10 five times in your career 抢断+1 |
5场比赛评分9分以上 |
30. 25 sliding tackles won - successfully complete 25 sliding tackles in your career 铲球+1 |
总计完成25次铲球 |
31. 10 clean sheets - get credited for 10 clean sheets in your career 铲球+2 |
10场比赛不失球 |
32. 15 blocks - block a total of 15 opposition shots on goal in your career 盯人+2 |
总计封堵射门15次 |
33. 100 standing tackles - successfully complete 100 standing tackles in your career 抢断+2 |
总计抢断100次 |
34. 15 man of the match awards - win the man of the match award 15 times in your career 铲球+2 |
获得15场比赛全场最佳 |
35. 25 clean sheets - get credited for 25 clean sheets in your career 盯人+2 |
25场比赛不失球 |
36. 60% standing tackles in 25 games - complete 25 matches with 60% standing tackles (min 3) 抢断+2 |
25场比赛60%抢断成功率,每场至少抢断3次 |
37. 50% sliding tackles in 25 games - complete 25 matches with 50% sliding tackles (min 3) 铲球+2 |
25场比赛50%铲球成功率,每场至少铲球2次 |
38. Block 25 shots on goal - block a total of 25 opposition shots on goal in your career 盯人+2 |
总计封堵射门25次 |
39. 150 standing tackles - successfully complete 150 standing tackles in your career 抢断+2 |
总计抢断150次 |
40. 50 slide tackles completed - successfully complete 50 sliding tackles in your career 铲球+2 |
总计铲球50次 |
高级 |
41. Make a goal line clearance - clear the ball from the goal line to save an opposition goal 盯人+1 |
球门线解围1次。1.和好友互刷。2.自己进个弱队以pro模式比赛,和强队踢。自己站在门线上即可。3.友谊赛模式,让对方单刀手动控制门将出击,自己则往门线跑。 |
42. Consecutive clean sheets - Keep the opposition from scoring in 2 consecutive matches 抢断+1 |
连续2场比赛不失球 |
43. 9/10 two games running - get a match rating of 9 or more in two consecutive matches 铲球+1 |
连续2场比赛评分9分以上 。看到评分不够就弄个助攻进球都可以+分。 |
44. Block 3 shots on goal in a match - block 3 attempted shots on goal in a single match 盯人+2 |
单场比赛封堵射门3次 自己进个弱队,让强队狂射就行了。。。 |
45. 50% slide tackles back to back - complete 50% of sliding tackles in consecutive matches (min 2) 铲球+2 |
连续2场比赛铲球成功率50%,单场至少铲球2次 |
46. 60% standing tackles twice - complete 60% of standing tackles in consecutive matches (min 3) 抢断+2 |
连续2场比赛抢断成功率60%+ |
47. Consecutive man of the match - win the man of the match award in 2 consecutive matches 盯人+2 |
连续2场全场最佳 |
48. Block 2 shots back to back - Block 2 attempted shots on goal in consecutive matches 盯人+2 |
连续2场比赛封堵射门2次 |
49. 5 sliding tackles - successfully complete 5 sliding tackles in a single match 铲球+2 |
单场比赛铲球成功5次 |
50. Block 2 shots 2 games in a row - block 2 attempted shots on goal in consecutive matches 盯人+2 |
连续2场比赛各封堵射门2次 |