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[专栏] 【073】词根词缀专栏[1-50]@柯林斯COBUILD高阶英汉双解学习词典(第8版)

发表于 2017-10-8 23:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


继续研究《柯林斯 COBUILD 高阶英汉双解学习词典》(第 8 版)。
Guide to key features 主要特色指南
Word Links increase language awareness by showing how words are built in English. Focusing on prefixes, suffixes, and word roots, each ‘Word Link’ provides a simple definition of the building block and then shows three examples of it appearing in a word. Providing three examples encourages learners to look up these words to develop and consolidate their understanding.
  • 词根 = word root
  • 词缀 = affix = 前缀(prefix) + 后缀(suffix)
  • 1,000 余个词根词缀专栏,从构词角度讲解单词,促进识记
根据我的统计,《柯林斯 COBUILD 高阶英汉双解学习词典》(第 8 版)去掉重复项后,只有 494 个专栏,涉及到约 1400 个单词。

接下来的一段时间,我将分 10 批给出这全部 494 个专栏。其中汉译均为人工录入,纸质词典总算是有用武之地了,翻查、录入 50 个专栏用了一个多小时时间,要是有结构良好的电子版数据,30 秒钟就全部搞定了。
市面上词根词缀相关书籍、词典有一些,某些词典软件甚至给出了同根词供用户查询,但是内容良莠不齐。学习型词典也大多将常见的词缀单独列为词条,《柯林斯 COBUILD 高阶英汉双解学习词典》(第 8 版)的词根词缀框(专栏)倒确实是首创。数量不是很多,全部记下来咯。
下面是前 50 条,其中我故意留了个错别字。
  • brev ≈ short  短: abbreviate, abbreviation, brevity
  • claim, clam ≈ shouting  喊叫: acclaim, clamour, exclaim
  • climat ≈ climate 气候,  region  地区: acclimatize, climate, climatic
  • onym ≈ name  名: acronym, anonymous, synonym
  • ess ≈ female  女;雌: actress, heiress, lioness
  • ee ≈ one who receives  …接收者: addressee, lessee, payee
  • opt ≈ choosing  选择: adopt, co-opt, opt
  • hood ≈ state 状态,  condition  情况: adulthood, childhood, manhood
  • ory ≈ relating to  有关…的: advisory, contradictory, migratory
  • voc ≈ speaking  说: advocate, vocabulary, vocal
  • aer ≈ air  空气: aerate, aerial, aerosol
  • naut ≈ sailor  船员: aeronautics, astronaut, nautical
  • ate ≈ filled with  充满…的: affectionate, compassionate, considerate
  • firm ≈ making strong  使…强: affirm, confirm, infirm
  • flict ≈ striking  击打: affliction, conflict, inflict
  • griev ≈ heavy 沉重,  serious  严重: aggrieved, grievance, grieve
  • agon ≈ struggling  挣扎;斗争: agonize, antagonist, protagonist
  • phob ≈ fear  害怕: agoraphobia, claustrophobia, phobia
  • ment ≈ state 状态,  condition : agreement, management, movement
  • arithm ≈ number  数: algorithm, arithmetic, logarithm
  • ali ≈ other  另外;别: alias, alibi, alien
  • like ≈ similar  相似: alike, birdlike, ladylike
  • liter ≈ letter  字;字母: alliteration, illiterate, literal
  • loft ≈ air  空气: aloft, loft, lofty
  • alt ≈ high  高: altimeter, altitude, contralto
  • eur ≈ one who does  行…事者: amateur, chauffeur, entrepreneur
  • ambi ≈ both  两;双: ambidextrous, ambiguous, ambivalent
  • a, an ≈ not 不,  without  无: amoral, anaesthesia, atheism
  • morph ≈ form 形状,  shape  外形: amorphous, metamorphosis, morphology
  • amphi ≈ around 周围,  both  两;双: amphibian, amphibious, amphitheatre
  • ampl ≈ large  大: ample, amplify, amplitude
  • arch ≈ rule  统治: anarchy, monarch, patriarchy
  • gyn ≈ female 雌,  woman  女: androgyny, gynaecology, misogynist
  • oid ≈ resembling  像;类似: android, asteroid, fibroid
  • phil ≈ love  爱: Anglophile, philanthropy, philharmonic
  • anim ≈ alive 活,  mind  心理: animal, inanimate, unanimous
  • ann ≈ year  年: anniversary, annual, annuity
  • nounce ≈ reporting  报告: announce, denounce, pronounce
  • ant ≈ not 不,  opposite  反;抗: antacid, Antarctic, antonym
  • ante ≈ before  前;先: antecedent, anterior, anteroom
  • anthrop ≈ mankind  人类: anthropology, misanthropy, philanthropy
  • logy, ology ≈ study of  …学: anthropology, biology, geology
  • anti ≈ against  反;妨;抗: antidote, antifreeze, antiseptic
  • antiq ≈ old  古;老: antiquarian, antiquated, antique
  • path ≈ feeling  感情: apathy, empathy, sympathy
  • log ≈ reason 理,  speech  话: apology, dialogue, logic
  • pend ≈ hanging  悬: append, depend, pendant
  • itis ≈ inflammation  炎症: appendicitis, arthritis, bronchitis
  • prehend ≈ seizing  抓住: apprehend, comprehend, reprehensible
  • proxim ≈ near  近: approximate, approximation, proximity

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