楼主: Schelfaniel

[ARC] KOF98资料全书【心得研究·12】

 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-29 20:31 | 显示全部楼层
- bug#3 : guard break

- gameplay : yes

- condition : must be close to the opponent

- every character with a long range projectile/all

- description : RB2 Terry swept the opponent with his dn+D interrupted into
QCF+P fireball. As the opponent is recovering, RB2 terry do a standing CD or
another dn+D. The opponent will be hit by the CD or the dn+D : his guard
was broken.

- notes : not an infinite combo, because of the distance after the second time.


- bug#4 : Goro's juggle

- gameplay : yes

-condition : jumping opponent

- Goro/all

- description : as the opponent is jumping towards Goro, he performs dnfw+C
interupted into QCB+B, then dnfw+C (that will juggle), interrupted again
into QCB+B. When the opponent hits on the ground Goro can hit him with DP+A.
If the opponent his finally cornered, Goro can finish him with HCF+C.

- notes : a lethal juggle that already existed in 97.


- bug #5 : Kohoken into Haoh Sho Ko Ken

- gameplay : yes

-condition : stock or red flashing - Ryo must throw out of the corner

- Ryo95/Goro Bryan

- description : Ryo grabs Goro with his fw+C basic grab. As soon as possible
he performs QCF+A. Goro cannot guard the ball and will be hit. As Ryo
performs fw HCF+C that must hit exactly after the ball impact. This will
result in a 2 hits rush.

- notes : none.


- bug#6 : hyper dash

- gameplay : yes

- condition : none

- Iori/all

- description : Iori performs bk bk+B. This will result in a hyper back dash
bringing him far away from the opponent.

- notes : very usefull. Another reason why Iori is the n this year.


- bug#7 : Rugal loves Goro

- gameplay : no

- condition : a important distance between the two characters is necessary

- Rugal/Goro

- description : Goro performs his DP+A and Rugal performs HCB+P. Rugal must
hits Goro at the exact time Goro strikes the ground. Rugal will be glued to

- notes : the effect is similar to Billy/Clark bug in KOF 97. You'll be able
to play Rugal and to perform all his special/DM but Goro will be glued to
him all along till the time over.


- bug#8 : reversed guard

- gameplay : yes

- condition : occurs when the 1P is cornered and is recovering

- all/all

- description : 2P perform a combo or something that makes the 1P fall. 1P
must be cornered. As the 1P is recovering, his guard will be reversed, hence
2P can combo him easily.

- notes : this kind of 1P-2P bug is not the first one existing. In KOF 95 a
similar bug involving grab priority ever existed.

- bug#9 : Kyo's infinite

- gameplay : improbable

- condition : EXTRA mode only

- Kyo/all

- description : Kyo dashes forward (fw fw). As he's dashing perform dn+C...

- notes : due to the EXTRA dash, Kyo command attack can be perfomed.


- bug#10 : Mai's infinite

- gameplay : improbable

- condition : EXTRA mode only

- Mai/all

- description : Mai dashes forward (fw fw). As she's dashing perform

- notes : similar to Kyo's infinite

 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-29 20:31 | 显示全部楼层
bug#11 : Shermie's infinite

- gameplay : improbable

- condition : stock and/or red flashing

- Shermie/Robert Goro

- description : Goro cornered, Shermie performs HCBx2+P. After the DM, she
will be floating a little above the ground. Using her A, she can slap Goro
to the infinite.

- notes : none.


- bug#12 : Mary's infinite

- gameplay : yes

- condition : QCFx2+K DM must hit(but not grab) a jumping opponent

- Mary/all

- description : Mary performs QCFx2+ K DM on a jumping opponent. If it hits
but doesn't grab him, he'll fall on the ground. Mary can runs forward and
grab him with her HCB fw+C command throw. After this she'll be floating a
little above the ground. She can then hit the opponent to the infinite using
her standing B.

- notes : similar as Shermie's bug. The reason why I registred it as usable in
gameplay is that you can use the HCBx2+K DM instead of the HCB fw+C grab.
You cannot infinite him after but it's more fair, more the opponent won't
let you hit him after the throw! This could be useful because hella people
use QCFx2+K as an anti air. This bug exists since KOF 97.


- bug#13 : Kim's Infinite

- gameplay : improbable

- condition : opponent cornered, in the air

- Kim/all

- description : if Kim hits a jumping opponent with his QCF+K, he can juggle
him to the infinite using the same move

- notes : none


- bug#14 : Kim's second infinite

- gameplay : improbable

- condition : no stock/no red flashing

- Kim/all

- description : close C (1 hit) into dn dn+B, into HCF+B...repeat

- notes : none.


-bug#15 : Heidern's stormbringer

- gameplay : improbable

- condition : none

- Heidern/all

- description : perform dn up+C without hitting the opponent. Then go close to
him and perform HCB+C. The stormbringer will be more damaging.

- notes : another old bug, that already existed in KOF 94 (it was a 100%


- bug#16 : bees

- gameplay : no

- condition : corner

- Choi Athena Mai/all

- descrition : roll backward and perform special move with "amplified" motion.
ex with Athena : to perform psycho ball, roll backward and perform QCB uB + P.
She must bound on the screen boundary and float over the ground...

- notes : quite difficult to perform.


5. Final word, acknoledgments and credits

This is a very short faq. I won't write a whole paragraph about how to use the
bugs in versus games, I think the conditions I described are enough to show
you how to use it. Just take bugs as another feature of the game you can use as
combos, pressings, mind games etc.. but don't focus on it! This year we're
lucky enough because there's no easy infinite due to the bugs, unlike KOF 95
(Kyo's juggle), and KOF 97 (Terry's infinite power charge). I don't forget
Iori 96 infinite scum gale but I don't really consider this as a bug. Don't
forget that bugs can really create monsters, so be careful!

Other things are from our gameplay experiences of my friends
and I. I really would like to thank Olivier and Yashiro, they are the one who
intoduced me to that game and are also my usual KOF partners.

Finally if you have any bugs to add, don't hesitetate to mail me at
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发表于 2010-1-17 19:53 | 显示全部楼层
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