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[业界] 索尼为PS3操作系统瘦身 多出70M存储可用

发表于 2010-2-25 19:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
70MB of additional RAM unlocked for PS3 developers
It's rare for a console to get a spec upgrade in the middle of its life. However, Sony has stealthily upgraded the PS3 over the past few months to unlock additional usable RAM for developers. Much like the PSP received a boost in clock speed, the latest firmware updates provide developers an additional 70MB of RAM to work with. The change was initially discovered by PlayStation University, noting the reduction in the system OS's memory footprint, from 120MB to 50MB. As the OS continues to slim down, developers are allowed access to even more usable system memory.

SCEA's Patrick Seybold recently confirmed the change to Joystiq. "Since the launch of the PS3, we have been continuously making efforts to reinforce our support system to game developers, allowing them to express their creativity freely on the PS3. As part of this support for game development, the size of the PS3 OS memory footprint has been reduced through network update for the game developers."

While 70MB of additional memory is not insignificant, don't expect drastic changes to future PS3 games. A PS3 developer told us that "any bit of RAM helps. Generally it probably won't change design, but might allow extra effects resolution or dynamic lights or something. Probably more beneficial from the systems and art side then from design/gameplay." In tandem with increasingly efficient code, the added RAM will undoubtedly make for even better looking games. Certainly, that's not something we'd complain about.

 楼主| 发表于 2010-2-25 19:24 | 显示全部楼层
Joystiq报道,索尼公司已经悄悄地更新了他们的PS3系统,固件更新以后,除了新功能增加外,用户还意外地发现了主机操作系统“瘦身”了,原来庞大的120M PS3系统瘦身到50M,这意味着开发商们可以开始思考如何利用额外的70M存储器。SCEA已经证实了这一消息,并鼓励开发商继续发挥他们的创造性,但一位不具名开发商表示,仅有RAM的增多并不能太多地改变设计,但可以影响一些游戏的效果,如需更大的飞跃,索尼则需要从系统上再做一些文章。
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