Look at this face I know the years are showing
Look at this life I still don't know where it's going
I don't know much but I know I love you
And that may be all I need know
Look at these eyes they never see what matters
Look at these dreams so beaten and so batered
I don't know much but I know I love you
And that may be all need to know
so many questions still left unanswered
so much I've never broken through
and when I feel you near me sometimes
I see so clearly the only truth
I'll ever know is near you
Look at this man so blessed with inspiration
Look at this soul still searching for salvation
I Don't know much but I know I love you
And that many be all need to know
Aaron Neville于1941年2月24日出生于美国路易斯安那的新奥尔良。Neville从他与兄弟Art组成的合唱团Hawketts开始走上了音乐生涯。手足情是他生命中最看重的东西之一,他曾说“回首岁月,我为自己,更从心底里热爱同我共甘苦的兄弟们。我永远是Neville家庭的一员” Neville不仅爱自己的手足兄弟,他更是一个博爱的人。用他自己的话来说“我要为所有心中已没有歌声与快乐的人、所有感到被弃路边的人歌唱,努力用歌声安抚他们,减轻他们的痛苦,给予他们勇气” 后来他签约Minit唱片公司,开始了个人歌唱事业。1960年推出了专辑Over You ,在乐坛的反映并不十分热烈。直到1967年Tell It Like It Is的出版,在这首旋律简洁流畅的民谣之中,Neville运用他敏锐的感悟能力和扎实的演绎功力,在歌声中传达了日渐高涨的黑人RQ运动的共鸣之声。1989年,他推出了这首Don't Know Much,这是与Linda Ronstadt合作的歌曲,其优美的旋律,深情的歌声打动了无数乐迷的心。